Friday, September 17, 2010

Welcome to the Voice of Vampgeist!

To begin this new and latest effort to keep a Vampgeist blog, we're going to do a little walking through the past to establish who we are, why this blog is here, and why an open forum for news and communication is indeed a good idea.

So what the heck is Vampgeist Creative Media? Well, Vampgeist isn't here to promote pre-fab ideas or tired stereotypes. We're here for new ides, new information, new ways of looking at the world. This blog is here to tell you what's going on at Vampgeist. Our website at has been online for almost two years and has already greeted more than a million visitors. In fact, our raison d'etre comes to us through communications with vampire-kin on the Internet. They began as suggestions, and then we realized we were in a unique position to make these features happen. Nothing falls on deaf ears here.

Vampgeist is by no means the first vampire website, but it may very well be the first of its kind. Here we aim to bring real vampires of all persuasions together with the curious and the seeking together with the interested together with anyone else who feels the tug of the vampire. We're not here to correct media images, but instead to launch entirely new interpretations that may satisfy information-hungry individuals.

As we say elsewhere, the vampire archetype is common to virtually every human culture around the world and is as old as humanity itself. Here is a mystery that seduces and perplexes, that maintains an absolute grip on our imaginations. Enjoying and investigating that mystery is what Vampgeist is all about.

We have gotten some questions about the design of the site--namely that it's not especially vampiric (vampiric being laden with blood, fangs, and ankhs, we suppose). Well, as you can probably guess, that was the idea. How many black sites do you really want? Isn't blood red something of a stereotype? There is also the matter of our starting point--energy. What color is energy? We could have gone for the standard, except that Vampgeist itself is not standard. Hopefully this has shed a little light on the subject. Our novelty is that we're not novelties at all but folks who don't need props to be interesting. Our ambition is to show that while vampires can look like regular people, we have a shared experience that is so amazing we don't need the smoke and mirrors.

The last twelve months have brought an incredible number of requests for help either from media enterprises seeking information on real vampires or from real vampires who are seeking more information on the projects they are invited to join. This was one of the primary functions of Vampgeist from the beginning, so to see this service being used and actually helping others out is immensely satisfying.

We began by compiling "Who's Vamping The Vampires?", an expository piece on the media workers who have been posting requests for real vampires to come out and audition or share information or otherwise share the vampire existence. Most of these are bogus, and those that represent real interests seem to be out to exploit "crazy people who think they're vampires". Any real vampire can become a media client of Vampgeist free of charge. We serve as mediators between the vampire and whatever media outlet has contacted them. Through our own channels and contacts we research the contact and the project or company they claim to be working for to see if the matter is legitimate. To this end, we would like to thank MTV Networks Entertainment Group for being so helpful to us, no matter how many times we've had to contact them about a "project" being developed for their networks. More people have been invited to participate in a reality series by someone claiming to be from MTV than anywhere else.

So now you know a little about us and what we're doing. We invite you to send in any relevant news or posted media inquiries to and we'll make sure to post it. Meanwhile, we're shuffling through our daily piles of e-mail (and actual postal mail, ye gods!) to do our part in keeping the World Wide Weird from becoming the Bottomless Pit of Ignorance and Regret!

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